Short description: Nature HD wallpaper for all messaging apps, like: whatsapp, viber, WeChat, Hangout, Hike etc.
16 Free images for HD wallpapers. it looks stunning on tablets!
Nature HD wallpaper can be set for all messaging app home screens & background screens thru settings ( display) menu; Procedure to set is: Click download to save the wallpaper into photos. Go to settings and set it as wallpaper for home screens and lock screens.
Users can personalize background screen of all mobile messaging apps. example: Whatsapp, Viber, WeChat, Hangout is best quality HD wallpaper to personalize for your messaging apps. ( You could select 16 background scenes with this Nature HD wallpaper! enjoy personalized setting for all your messaging apps & Mobile wallpapers)
1. excellent background scenes in Nature HD wallpaper.
2. user has 16 options to select & set HD quality images for his/her mobile screens & for messaging apps.
3. NO ADs
4. less battery consumption for Set HD wallpaper.
it is entertaining app. Enjoy with personalization screen scenery.